
“Lets Conquer the World in style.” Illuminati Brotherhood initiates approximately 10,000 youth in Kenya.

The Illuminati brotherhood in Kenya has acquired alot of youths in the country.

The Illuminati brotherhood in Kenya has acquired a lot of support from youths across the country.  Many youths in Africa have encroached. The Illuminati population in Kenya, according to the latest research has acquired 10,000 people this year 2016 while the majority of them are Youths.

The Organisation has moved to social media and online platforms advertising itself. There is an online form that people are required to fill and some numbers to call if you are stuck in the process.  Last month, the initiation leader in Nairobi initiated to the Illuminati brotherhood approximately 500 people.

Most them who were initiated were posted on their facebook fan page. The members who moved from one rank to the other were also posted.  Illuminati is an organisation which assist people in acquiring wealthy and conquer the world with dark powers.  Unlike Freemason which people bow down for the devil for them to get money.

A lot of youth in Kenya have been initiated and millionaires ejected on the streets every month. It is estimated that 70% of the youths in Nairobi  who drive cars are in the brotherhood Organisation. It is allegedly people pay to join the society but according to our sources, the process is free and its one time.  Check the Facebook page below to know who are in the Illuminati brotherhood near you today.

Sister and wife of a journalist. Journalism at it best.

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