
Milliah Tabitha Kisenya, the proud mother, explains her journey from Ebru TV to K24 TV

After having a learning time at Mwanga wa Ebru at Ebru TV, Milliah Tabitha Kisenya jumped ship to MediaMax’s K24 Tv with a bang. 

The Mchipuko presenter explained how life evolved after getting to the media industry. 

” With little shoulders to lean on, life has been moving on and thanking GOD that HE has been on my side, ” she said.


What you did not know about K24 TV presenter Milliah Tabitha Kisienya

Growing in a humble background, getting to Ebru TV was a dream come true. However, after getting to MediaMax life has never been the same again.

” Strength and Growth comes through continuous efforts and struggles. Regardless of the challenges keep going, giving up should never be on your bucket list of options, ” she stated. 


What you did not know about K24 TV presenter Milliah Tabitha Kisienya

Milliah Tabitha Kisenya, the Proud Mother to Dahlia Kadzo explained that her pillar in the journey was her family.


What you did not know about K24 TV presenter Milliah Tabitha Kisienya

Award winning journalist in 90s still in the media. Grab your sit for credible content.

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