
Retired Prime Minister, Mizengo Pinda donate 200 acres of land and 60 buildings to start a community university campus -Bongo

Tanzania retired Prime Minister, Mizengo Pinda profile Photo
Tanzania retired Prime Minister, Mizengo Pinda profile Photo 

Tanzania retired Prime Minister, Mizengo Pinda donate 200 acres of land and 60 buildings sitting already on that land to Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) to build community campus.

After the completion of the renovations, constructions of new classrooms and restructuring it will be named Mizengo Pinda Campus, in Katavi.

The former prime minister said the rural campus will foster the growth of his village and increase education levels in the area.
Katavi area houses the third-largest national park in Tanzania which borders Kigoma. Katavi region has its regional capital in Mpanda.
The Mizengo Pinda Campus will be the first campus in the region since Tanzania got independence. 

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