
Unique DM gave her a sweetheart, Wow! how different was it!

Twitter change NKATHA from Single to a happy couple
How can that DM be so sweet than other DMs?

It’s six years since the couple got married. Many have been believing anything technological could not last.

Nkatha became nervous after the DM. THERE were so many DMs but this one rocked.
” I felt like I’m rocking the hell, not even in the promised land. How can someone find a mate on Twitter dark mode?”
All of a sudden after checking his pimps on the handle, she could not manage but hitting and posting her last breath.
” This is the chance. He is swirling. So hot! I have been looking for someone to meander my feelings, take nerves to through different routes until I hear the walls of Jerusalem falling, ” she said.
That’s when she accepted to meet a total stranger six years ago. 

Twitter has been used as a non-serious public posting but for Nkatha transformed it to successful marriage life.

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