
Why Wiper, Ford Kenya will continue fighting for political parties cash enjoyed by ODM and Jubilee


Registrar of Political Parties Anne Nderitu photos


The three NASA affiliates parties continue to battle for their share on Billions wired to ODM party.

The parties have themselves to impute for missing out from government funding, only relished by ODM and Jubilee, Registrar of Political Parties Anne Nderitu states.

Ms Anne Nderitu on Monday told MPs that the NASA coalition deal presented for sharing of the parties’ cash only that it had an uncompleted sharing formula.

The unfinished formula blocked three parties from profiting.

The parties include ANC, Wiper and Ford Kenya. The registrar said her office has exclusively communicated to the NASA affiliates to complete the rule but, no response has been forthcoming.

The three NASA parties have been on ODM’s neck asking a share of the money allotted from the Political parties Fund.

At some point, they even cautioned to keep monthly dues from their MPs.

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