
WTF!! LSK President Nelson Havi faults the Mp John Waluke sentencing

LSK president Nelson Havi rejecting the John Waluke ruling tweet
LSK president Nelson Havi rejecting the John Waluke ruling in a tweet

Law Society of Kenya President Nelson Havi faults the Sirisia Mp John Waluke sentencing saying it was wrongly done.

The LSK president claims that the MP was being sacrificed in order for the country to see the state is fighting corruption. 
” Mp John Waluke and Grace Wakhungu contracted with NCPB. NCBP breached the contract. The arbitrator ordered payment, ” he said.
LSK president Nelson Havi rejecting the John Waluke ruling tweet

” Award was enforced by the High Court. NCPB lost before High Court and Court of Appeal and paid the decree. How can that be a crime? Do not celebrate fraudulent convictions, ” he added. 
He was forced to delete the tweet after a series scanty attacks from his supporters which seemed complex and tough than the majority citing he is now dining with looters.

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