Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police extend the detention of Shakahola Pastor Mackenzie for 60 more days


Jail renowned pastor Paul Mackenzie for 60 more days

In light of his connections to a cult that claims more than 240 lives in Shakahola Forest, Kilifi County, the state is now attempting to jail renowned pastor Paul Mackenzie for 60 more days.

After more than a month of police arrest, the founder of the Good News International Church was arraigned in Shanzu Law Courts on Friday, June 2, 2023, along with 17 other accused.

The defence team informed the court that the police had not finished their inquiries and needed additional time.

According to court documents, “judicial confinement for a prolonged duration of 60 days is the least timeframe possible within which inspections can be successfully finished under the present circumstances and represents the most flexible way of safeguarding the confidentiality of the sensitive investigations.”

No new information was presented to the court that would support the suspects’ release after their detention on May 10.

According to court documents, “there are still compelling circumstances for not granting them bail awaiting the conclusion of inquiries, and there is a high probability that serious accusations will be made against the defendants.”

Last month, Mackenzie objected to his arrest, claiming that the state was depriving him and his wife, Rhoda Mumbua, of nutritious meals while they were being held.

Mackenzie fought valiantly before Shanzu senior principal magistrate Yusuf Shikanda, who extended the suspects’ detention by 30 more days, via his solicitors George Kariuki, Wycliffe Makasembo, and Elisha Komora.

On May 10, when the attorneys appeared in court, they told the judge that their clients were being forced to sleep on the floor and that they were concerned that the cold weather might cause them to get pneumonia.

“My customers have been lying on bare cement floors; they have informed us that they are experiencing rib problems, and their lungs are already moist. They probably already have pneumonia, and they will pass away before the case ever gets started,” Kariuki added.

Kariuki further said that the accused were being deprived of food as a kind of punishment for the alleged starvation of their victims.

They are being given ugali along with some kind of liquid that is ineligible to be dubbed bean soup. I’ve seen the cuisine firsthand,” he bemoaned.

According to allegations, Mackenzie convinced his adherents to fast until they died by promising to meet Jesus.