
I was holed up in a private session, Kevin Mboya responds after uniting Kenyans

Kelvin Mboya in Kwale


Worry and interest have been voiced by Kenyans on social media in response to a post made by Kevin Mboya, who is considered a social media influencer.
Mboya had tweeted that he intended to surprise his girlfriend on her birthday by paying a visit to her in Kwale County on the 26th of January. In his tweet, he described how he intended to do this.
He said that he had not gotten in touch with his girlfriend but that he had traveled all the way from Nairobi to surprise her with flowers on her special day.
He also shared some photos of the bouquet on Twitter, where they quickly surpassed 1.5 million views.
“I have traveled all the way from Nairobi to Kwale in order to surprise my girlfriend on her birthday. I have come all this way to surprise her.”
“Since I haven’t contacted or texted her in the last day and a half, she may believe that I have forgotten that today is her birthday. I am waiting just outside her workplace for her arrival so that I may surprise her. He accompanied the photographs with the phrase, I hope it goes well.”

Many people in Kenya were moved by his romantic gesture, and they got interested in learning more about how the surprise was carried out.
However, after more than twenty-four hours, Mboya had not posted any updates or further information on his Twitter, leaving many Kenyans wondering what had taken place after the first event.
Internet users, including famous people, made fun of him in the comments section and waited for any new information about his romantic adventure.
On the other hand, a number of website users claimed that Mboya made up the events in the narrative in order to gain more attention on social media.
After a follow-up in Kwale, one of his friends said that he was holed up in a private session before the birthday bash.

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