PART ONE: Wahome Thuku Police reforms and rights for bottle bar lovers and owners.
THE Kenyan courts have held a million times that taking alcohol inside or outside clubs or bars whether at midnight or 4 am is not illegal. The DPP has made that clear to every investigator. You then wonder what goes on in the head of a police officer who raids a pub and arrests all the patrons. Its time to start hitting back at them through the law.
There is simply no law prohibiting drinking. The law governing ulevi affairs in Kenya is the Alcoholic Drinks Control Act of 2010. The sections that deal with sale and consumption are 33 to 42.
Every police officer knows they can’t charge you anywhere, for taking alcohol. The offence is always selling alcohol after hours. In part 2 I will discuss how even a charge of selling always collapses in court due to negligence or lack of knowledge by arresters.
This is a matter of law not emotions or attitude or feelings. If you are a police officer and you find 10 people taking biri biri in a pub at 1am, you can only arrest the seller and even then you must be very careful because they could sue you in person, win and auction everything in your house.