DCI detectives arrests a Millicent Kithinji, 41, who on Saturday night entertained school kids at her house in Mountain View Estate, Nairobi.
DCI arrested 44 kids at the house party. The 44 kids are comprised of 26 boys and 18 girls aged between 14 and 17 years and are all in primary and secondary schools.
In a statement after the arrests, DCI detectives said seized numerous alcohol brands whisky and vodka and bhang.
Detectives last night detained 44 school children and their host and seized several brands of alcohol and bhang in a house at Nairobi’s Mountain View Estate.
Numerous parents of the kids were notified about the incident on Sunday as detectives sought to find out how the kids drawn from Machakos and Nairobi counties travelled without detection.
Detectives are also investigating the motive behind on the Saturday night meeting, how it was planned and how the children arrived there.