
Carrefour Supermarkets threatens the survival Naivas and Tuskys chains

Carrefour Kenya photos and Discount vouchers
Carrefour threatens the survival of Tuskys chain in Kenya. After dominating the marketing for long with Naivas, Carrefour has more traffic than any other supermarket in Nairobi.
The death of Nakumat and Uchumi has given space to others like Shoprite and Carrefour.

” The opening of our new store in Nairobi underscores our commitment to offering great customer experiences through high-quality retail outlets where customers can access quality products at the best prices,” said  Country Manager, Carrefour Kenya, Franck Moreau. 

” The new store will offer home deliveries services making it convenient to shop online during the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, ” he added.

The store will have food and non-food items with unique speciality offerings such as jewellery, home décor, a library, bistro area, and a milk ATM.

It also offers groceries, fresh bakery, and a roastery area. 

The shopping centre has recruited 250 employees and over 200part-time workers.

The management said 99 per cent of the stock in Carrefour stores will be sourced locally.

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