
Children slaughter 6-month-old dog, prepare a two-day meal in Samburu to stave off ravenous hunger


Dog meat
Dog meat

The villagers of Seisei village in Baragoi, Samburu north sub-county, are in disbelief after learning that youngsters in their community butchered and consumed a dog at a time when hunger is still wreaking havoc across the county.

According to the local chief, Tony Lesokoyo, the event took place over the weekend when a group of youngsters ranging in age from four to eight years old butchered a dog, grilled the dog’s flesh, and then ingested it.

According to Lesokoyo, after hearing the report, he travelled to the hamlet, which has around 140 houses, and verified that three youngsters had in fact ingested dog meat.

“The youngsters were home alone because they made the decision to consume the six-month-old dog after claiming their parents were the ones in critical need of food,” he added. “The youngsters had informed their parents that they were in terrible need of food.”


The extended dry spell that has afflicted the region has caused many households in the northern part of Samburu to be on the verge of hunger, and the chief reported that there is an urgent need for humanitarian assistance in the form of food.

Jackson Oloo, who serves as the Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) for Samburu North, has verified that the three youngsters are in good health despite having eaten dog meat.

But he said that famine is not the cause for eating dog flesh, and he added that the children may have been playing when they killed the dog. He concluded that poverty is not the rationale for eating dog meat.

According to the DCC’s statement, there are goats in that manyatta, and if those children were hungry, their parents would have chosen to butcher a goat rather than a dog in order to feed them.

In October 2022, the Governor of Samburu County, Lati Lelelit, made the announcement that over 157,000 people living in Samburu were in danger of famine and hunger as a result of the continuous drought.

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