
Doshi Steel -Chuma ya Doshi, Chuma ya Nguvu in the foundation for happy families

A woman holding Doshi steel made Door. PHOTO | FILE
A woman holding Doshi steel made Door. PHOTO | FILE

Have you had of Doshi Steel (Chuma ya Nguvu)? Those in the construction industry knows how Doshi steel is the best. But for those in relationships, Doshi could still be very useful to safeguard against intruders. Below is the Doshi steel video.

A Doshi Steel meme has rocked Kenyans online after the Video that was trending of Patrick Ayoyi.  Ladies called out Men to look for ways on how the steel can be still and re-enforce the collapsing Marriages.

Doshi Steel (Chuma ya Nguvu) Video reminds Kenyans Online when they were united on the weekend when the Man from Kericho was trending. Women online uproared and insisted that Men should provide a long-lasting solution to the broken families as Doshi steel to the ladies could be one of the long-lasting solutions.

Doshi Steel | Chuma ya Nguvu | Chuma ya Doshi