
Kakamega man shocks the villagers when stolen cows return home after two weeks out


Cows back home photo

After two weeks of searching and reporting to several police stations and village elders, five stolen cows made their way back to their owner’s property in Khwisero village, causing an uncommon drama. 

Some unidentified people entered into the owner’s house at night and took away various other belongings, including electronics, in addition to the animals.

The owner, going by Mang’ondu, attempted to contact the closest police stations for assistance for a whole week, but it appeared that the authorities were taking an excessive amount of time to respond.

The man also notified the nearby village elders so that he could get back his stolen items and animals. 

Despite his discomfort, he sought alternative ways to care for himself. At that point, someone provided him with information about a powerful traditional specialist who has been helping individuals recover their stolen goods in as little as 24 hours.

They told him about Doctor Kiwanga and gave him his number +254769404965, a traditional healer known for helping to apprehend stubborn burglars, most of whom end up dozing off in a store after breaking in.

The traditional specialist also resolves difficulties in life, such as those involving love, family, and business; improves luck by winning lottery tickets and legal battles; helps you advance in your career; and drives out bad spirits and nightmares.

As a result, the man scheduled a trip for the traditional specialist to visit his home. The traditional healer arrived at his house, sprinkling fluids all over the place while saying some unintelligible phrases.

The next morning, he was startled to see a unique spectacle when he observed his five cows passing through the fence on their way home. He was amazed, and he expressed gratitude to the traditional healer the traditional healer for his healing work.

Later, the thieves arrived on motorcycles carrying everything they had stolen from his home. They gave back the items and left without uttering a word. Mang’ondu was shocked, but the thieves left.

Many people who have benefited from Kiwanga Doctors’ assistance claim to have experienced strong recuperation and to be healthier in their daily lives.

Kiwanga doctors treat a variety of conditions, including masculine weakness, syphilis, TB, diabetes, ulcers, and hypertension.

In addition, he resolves long-term romantic conflicts, family conflicts, commercial setbacks (including winning lotteries and legal battles), career advancement, and banishes bad spirits and nightmares.

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