
Kilifi MCA opens wholesale stores with Relief food and cash meant for the poor

Name of Kilifi MCA who opened wholesale from stolen relief food, Photos and Videos
A picture of a non-governmental organisation donating food for the vulnerable in Kilifi. FILE

An MCA from the Kilifi County has left tongues swishing amid questions about how he raised capital to open two wholesale stores recently at the middle of Coronavirus Pandemic.

The leader who is very close to the governor said to have knocked on every tycoon’s door in the region asking for some food and cash, evidently, for residents of a constituency he is eying.

However, reports from the officials claim that the food that was meant for distribution was stolen. Some residents said they have relatives who work in the alleged stores and some of the food items were exactly the ones which were packed at one of the stores for distribution on the county stores.

The food items that the said leader got from the donors half find it’s way to his new store while the rest was distributed to the constituency. Nobody got cash from him and it’s said he used it to fund his new stores.

” We packed the food in those stores. But the stores’ attendants claim some of the food items were unpacked in a similar way like what they did in the distribution stores, ” a friend to one the stores’ attendants said.

An insider mumbled that the man did not distribute all that he was given. He says more than half of the well-wishers’ donations could have ended up at the MCA’s shops.

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1 Comment

  1. Unknown Unknown says:

    No speculations here,name the culprit
    with evidence

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