
We thought she was dead, we performed rituals -Bungoma lady re-appears after 24 years with 7 children

Agness and her kids. PHOTO | BMS
Agness and her kids. PHOTO | BMS

Agnes Nelima Naliaka returned to her home in Bungoma county for the first time since 1996 when she disappeared and fled to the neighbouring country, Uganda. Over the years, the family thought she had died. Last week, Agness appeared with her husband and 7 children.

According to the neighbours, over the years, Agnes did not know that some of her relatives had died. In Luhya, it is a taboo for someone to get married and forget her biological parents for than 10 years.

“As it is common with the Luhya community, rituals are performed at home after a long period. Agnes was entrance was not treated as taboo because it applies to Menas men,” Luhya elder said.

It is said that some of Agnes’s relatives came with great surprise as they had already lost hope that they would be alive or see her again after all that time.

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