
Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka proposes removal of governors term limits

Kalonzi and Ngilu meet; BBI in Ukambani; Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka with Kitui governor Charity Ngilu. PHOTO | BMS
Wiper boss Kalonzo Musyoka with Kitui governor Charity Ngilu. PHOTO | BMS

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka held a consultative meeting on BBI Initiative with the Lower Eastern elected leaders at Stoni Athi Resort.
Governors for life? Kalonzo Musyoka said instead of governors thinking of two, three or four tier because of term limits, the BBI should do away with it.
Kalonzo proposes removal of term limits for governors. Kalonzo proposes the creation of a powerful PM position.
Kamba leaders hold meeting over the BBI report. Governors, senators, MPs, MCAs attended the meeting.
Kitui County will host the next BBI consultative meeting next month.