
Clash between leaders and ordinary Kenyans over #PunguzaMzigo change

Team embrace talking about constitutional change. PHOTO | BANA
Team embrace talking about constitutional change. PHOTO | BANA

Punguza Mzigo initiative by the Thirdway alliance criticized for abnormal budget reduction ambition. Majority claim that it targets women who seem to be a burden to the taxpayer.

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru and Murang’ a Senator Irungu Kang’ata described it as a set of “ambitiously crafted self-defeating proposals”.

“I think that the concept of Punguza Mizigo on reducing the burden of Wanjiku is laudable. We should focus our limited resources to development and service delivery as opposed to unnecessary recurrent expenditure such as allowances and travel. The proposals are over-ambitious and crafted in such a way that they do not get the necessary support from stakeholders,” Mrs. Waiguru said.

“Those who have been frowning on the idea of a referendum must know that it is no longer a laughing matter,” he said. “This is the only proposal that may drive the country to a referendum before the 2022 general election,” Senate Majority leader Kipchumba Murkomen said.

“We might end up electing a President who just sits in an office and waits to retire with a juicy package,” County Assemblies Forum (CAF) chairperson and Kajiado Speaker Johnson Osoi said

The country will have a referendum whether from Punguza Mzigo or Building bridges before 2022.